You have {{format(player.points)}} trolling (+{{format(getPointGain())}}/s)
{{(getClickGain().gte(1e24)||getPointGain().gte(1e24))&&!hasUpgrade(313)?("Unfunny#0367, the leader of the anti-troll nation, is attacking! Trolling gain is square rooted above 1e24"):""}}
{{(getClickGain().gte(hasUpgrade(105)?"e16000":"e15000")||getPointGain().gte(hasUpgrade(105)?"e16000":"e15000"))&&!hasUpgrade(314)?("NEF2021, the leader of the other anti-troll nation, is attacking! Trolling gain is cube rooted above 1e1"+(hasUpgrade(105)?"6":"5")+"000"):""}}
{{(getClickGain().gte("e80000")||getPointGain().gte("e80000"))&&!hasUpgrade(314)?("Jacorb, the high god of trolling, is trolling the trolling and making point gain softcapped above e80000 :troll:"):""}}
{{player.activeChallenge?"You are in "+(player.activeChallenge==5?"The Troll":"challenge "+player.activeChallenge):""}}
do a little trolling

You have {{format(player.prestige)}} prestige points, multiplying trolling gain by {{format(inChallenge(2)?1:player.prestige.add(1).pow(hasChallenge(2)?1.25:1).pow(inChallenge(5)?0.1:1))}}
{{getPrestigeGain().gte(1e50)&&!hasUpgrade(314)?("You have too many prestige points, their gain will now be reduced"):""}}
{{getPrestigeGain().gte("ee7")?("You have way too many prestige points, their gain will be reduced again"):""}}
You have {{format(player.superprestige)}} super prestige points, multiplying trolling and prestige gain by {{format(player.superprestige.add(1).pow(inChallenge(5)?0.1:1).pow(hasChallenge(101)?2:1))}}
{{getSPGain().gte(1e200)&&!hasUpgrade(314)?("You have produced so many super prestige points that Jacorb, the high god of softcaps, had to stop you!"):""}}

Complete harder super-prestiges for rewards!
Each challenge can only be completed once, each of them have their own reward when completed (plus unlocking a new prestige upgrade!).
Click on a challenge to enter it.

You have {{format(player.ascensionpoints)}} ascension points.

You have {{format(player.trollingpoints)}} trolling points.
{{hasMilestone(303)?"They multiply ascension point gain by "+trollingEffect()[0]:""}}
{{player.buyables[5].gte(1)?"They give "+trollingEffect()[1]+" free levels to the first 4 buyables.":""}}
{{player.buyables[5].gte(2)?"They raise trolling gain to the "+format(trollingEffect()[2])+" in troll runs.":""}}
{{player.buyables[5].gte(3)?"They weaken the first troll nerf to ^"+format(trollingEffect()[3])+".":""}}
You have {{format(player.technobabble.points)}} technobabble gaming, which has pissed off {{formatWhole(getPissedScientists())}} scientists (Next At {{format(getNextScientist())}}), raising all normal upgrades to ^{{format(getScientistEffect())}}.
The scientists have realised you are simply some kind of dumbass and not to be taken seriously
Your ascension points are generating {{format(getTechnobabblegain())}} technobabble gaming per second.

The thermochanger or something

Quark-gluon plasma starts forming at around 4e12K.
Lower than that, they bond together to form Hadrons Quark-gluon gas again.

Current temperature: {{format(player.technobabble.t)}}K

You have {{format(player.technobabble.qgp)}} Quark-gluon plasma ({{format(soups.qgp.gain())}}/s), multiplying technobabble gaming gain by {{format(soups.qgp.effect())}}
You have {{format(player.technobabble.qgg)}} Quark-gluon gas ({{format(soups.qgg.gain())}}/s), multiplying super prestige point gain by {{format(soups.qgg.effect())}}
You have {{format(player.technobabble.higgsF)}} Higgs fermions ({{format(soups.higgsF.gain())}}/s), which are multiplying the effectiveness of all Quark-gluon composites by {{format(soups.higgsF.effect())}}
You have {{format(player.technobabble.photons)}} {{player.technobabble.photonType}} Photons ({{format(soups.photons.gain())}}/s), {{soups.photons.effectText()}} {{format(soups.photons.effect())}}
Aw crap, here we go again.
Complete Ascension Challenges up to 5 times for rewards!
Each time you fully complete an Ascension Challenge, you unlock a new Super-Prestige upgrade.
Click on an Ascension Challenge to enter it, and click it again to exit.

Turns out you weren't the only high god...
Appease the other high gods of trolling for rewards!
You can buy gift boxes using ascension points.
V -1.4


V -1.3

- Internally, changed how point gain multipliers and softcaps are handled
You probably won't notice this unless we broke something

- Added Ascension challenge 1

V -1.2

- Changed softcap message of pissed off scientists

- Added ascension challenges's framework

V -1.1

- Added changelog

V -1.0

- Added trolling, upgrades, ascension, prestige, super prestige, challenges, prestige upgrades, super prestige upgrades, ascension upgrades, The Troll, technobabble gaming, and quark-gluon plasma

- Added saving and format and also some css stuff